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27 November 2015

Two week-long I/ITSEC demos Include MetaVR Visuals

At I/ITSEC's Live Virtual and Constructive (LVC) special event, "Operation Blended Warrior," on booth 339, TRU Simulation + Training and ZedaSoft will use MetaVR's Virtual Reality Scene Generator (VRSG) and MetaVR's terrain of the San Diego area built from NPSI source data in their respective simulators.

TRU Simulation + Training will run VRSG in its V-280 cockpit simulator for out-the-window and sensor views in the Supply Convoy, MEDEVAC Operations, Amphibious Landing, and Amphibious Assault vignettes. ZedaSoft will run VRSG in its Mockingbird reconfigurable UAV/RPA simulator with EO/IR and SAR payloads. The Mockingbird UAV/RPA will be configured as a TRITON-class UAV for the Maritime vignette and a SHADOW-class UAV for the Amphibious Assault vignette. It will provide streaming EO/IR video to H.264 protocol media viewers over the network to the C2 nodes.

In the Air National Guard (ANG) booth (1562), the Iowa Air National Guard Distributed Training Operations Center (DTOC) will conduct demos all week, most which will include VRSG, in long-haul demos with the ANG Advanced Joint Terminal Attack Controller Training System (AAJTS) in Oklahoma City, OK, and the ANG’s C-130 Multi-Mission Crew Trainer (MMCT) which will be set up in the booth.

MetaVR VRSG is a Microsoft DirectX-based render engine that provides geospecific simulation as an image generator (IG) with game quality graphics. MetaVR’s IG enables users to visualise geographically expansive and detailed virtual worlds at 60Hz frame rates on commercially available PCs. Using Microsoft commercial standards since 1997, VRSG provides real-time, single- or multiple-channel visualisation of virtual environments, dynamic moving models, and special effects. MetaVR's VRSG uses advanced terrain and texture paging algorithms to render geospecific imagery over expansive round-earth 3D terrain while providing such advanced visual features as full-scene anti-aliasing and continuous level-of-detail morphing. VRSG is delivered with over 5,300 3D models and high-resolution terrain of the USA and many areas of interest around the world.

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